The Debate 2020
Main Course: But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong (1 Corinthians 1:27). NIV
God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. God puts down one and raises up another (e.g. Esther). If God is for you who then can be against you. All the persecution and opposition are weapons but they won’t prosper when God is for you, with you, and has chosen you. If you are willing to be unpopular, a target for bullying, a mockery for the work/assignment I’ve called you to, then we have a deal. Just remember the charge is to stand still, stay the course, and see the salvation of the Lord with you. Donald Trump is a prophetic symbol of that which is to come for those whom I have chosen in this hour. They will not have the popular vote, will not be accepted or understood, but they are mine, my elect. Elected by me to institute and establish my government, my kingdom, my will on the earth. And no one will be able to move them because no one can curse what I have blessed. Take note, take heed the stand for righteousness will always prevail. Those called and chosen must not be swayed or moved by the “letters of fear” (e.g. Nehemiah) for some assignments will seem impossible, but yet they shall happen in record time (very quickly) because I hasten my word to perform it. The separation has already started - the wheat from the tare (cf. dream: “judgment will begin”) from within/individually, corporately in the Body, and socially in society (including your peers). "For I can only use that which is mine, that which I have sown, I own." Sometimes, God’s will is not appealing and seems questionable because his thoughts and ways are higher than ours. All votes must lead toward His will for America. As born-again believers, all we want is God’s will, that’s all that really matters in the end. Carefully pray and listen to His voice. Pray for the swing states - Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Philadelphia, the Electoral College, and the District System - Maine and Nebraska. (This article was written as prophetic inspiration and has no association with any political party.)