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Lay Your Head on the Rock

Main Course:  Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth (Hosea 6:3; cf. Genesis 28:10-22).

When Jacob who had stolen his brother's (Esau) birthright and blessing fled from him, he stopped overnight on his journey to get some sleep. He had a dream and saw the gate of heaven with angels ascending and descending to and from the earth. Jacob was so poor, he didn't even have anything to lay his head on, so he gathered some stones and made pillows. Sometimes in life, we may find ourselves in hard places - rocky places, challenging places, difficult places, and we have nothing, nowhere to go, no money, no friends, no family, no job, etc.but God sees and knows. He is with us every step of the way. It is the hard, stone pillows - in the throws of life that God reveals Himself to you that he will not leave you or forsake you. It is in these hard places that your eyes are open to see God high and lifted up. It is in these hard places that you understand if God is for you who can be against you (Rms. 8:30). Your spiritual eyes are open to see the glory and power of God on earth as it is in heaven (Is. 6:1; cf. Eph. 1:18; Jerm. 33:3, Job 22:21-21). The pillows/rocks are hard and uncomfortable but it's just for a night - just until you see God working in the midst on your behalf (Ps. 46:5; 30:5). And you will soon be on your way to Laban's house but remember God is going to be with you there too. God provided more than what Jacob asked for (food and clothing) to survive. When we left his uncle's household he had so much abundance that Laban and his sons were jealous, constantly looking for ways to harm him. So no matter how much you don't have spiritually or naturally, God is able to bless you in spite of your situation and with more than enough when he has given you His Word (Is. 55:11; Jerm. 1:12).

Here is where God's focus was for Jacob's life: The stones represent his heart. God had to deal with his stony heart, purify it so it could depend on Him and Him alone. His heart didn't have many roots. He wasn't rooted and grounded in the Word of God for his life (Eph. 3:17), Jacob was rooted in the control of his parents mainly his mother (someone using him for their own selfish ambitions/gain through favoritism. However, God still worked it out for his good. So don't feel despondent or defeated because people have used you or mistreated you for their own gain. It still has not canceled or annulled God's plan for your life. They have not subtracted or altered anything that God has promised you. You just have to let your heart believe that no weapon formed against will prosper. And remember his promises to you by renewing your mind daily with the Word of God, and He will bring it to pass (Is. 46:11; Num. 23:19; Ps. 1:3; Josh. 1:7-9; 2 Cor. 1:20). Like many of us, God had already chosen Jacob before he entered his mother's womb, and He is standing beside you declaring his promise over your life.

In addition, we can see that from the years of working for his shady uncle, Laban, Jacob learned to trust and depend on God by developing His relationship with Him. Jacob never retaliated in response to Laban's shenanigans in regards to marrying his daughters, changing wages, or shepherd woes. He never took from Laban's stash to compensate for any loss. He became a man of integrity who honored God. A man who protected and provided for his growing family. And through Jacob's due diligence of growth and development to follow after righteousness, God's purpose was to move him into a place spiritually and naturally that would fulfill his word on earth (Matt. 6:10; Prov. 16:9). Jacob left/fled like a criminal, but he returned as Christ-like in His nature. This is what God is after, the image of His dear son (Rms. 8:29; cf. Eph. 2:10; Jn. 15:5).

So go ahead and lay your head on the rock. God will reveal himself to you so the gates of hell will not prevail. You will have the revelation of his word that gives no place to the devil. You will not yield to temptation, bow to the music of the world, or turn stones into bread (do things your own way or be influenced by others). The pillows of rocks will be your pillars of worship, your OWN memorial/place of worship that says, "I was here when I had no one and nothing, and now look how God has fulfilled his word."

God desires for each generation is to experience his lovingkindness and power both individually and collectively (Hos. 6:3). You don't have to try and get the upper hand in life. God has already called and chosen you and given you everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 1:3). Laban is symbolic of the field of the world, the marketplace. There will be many who will try to swindle and cheat you because the Lord blesses the works of your hands. But stay diligent in service regarding your obligations/life affairs and faithful to your relationship with God and watch him fulfill his word in your life.

Are you at a place in your life where you have nothing but a rock for a pillow? Don't worry, pour the oil. Embrace God's word for your life no matter how hard or difficult the situation may be (Ps. 23:5). It's your own personal pillar (walk with God), and He never disappoints.


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