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Feet to Leap (Part III)

One must be broken from earthbound, dead-end situations to be broken in to hear and obey His voice, ill regardless of logic or tradition. It is in this state of brokenness, dependence upon God that conditions are ripe for greater, even to receive more than enough (Ps. 51:8, Song 8:5, cf. Eph. 3:20). It is in this state that we are more willing to hear, go, and do His command just as the angels (Ps. 103:20-22; Is. 1:19-20; cf. Zech. 3:7).

And when the dust settles, it all boils down to this one particular thing, and that is this: Our destiny is our spirit being on this earth to be at His command (cf. Luke 2:49). However, we are only useful if we learn to abide in His Presence – worship, praise and adoration (Jn. 15:1-8; Acts17:28; cf. Prov. 25:11). This is where and how David lived and he was able to walk upon his high places, leap over walls when he was faced with challenges and impossible situations (Ps. 18:29, 33. This is where and how Jesus lived, He overcame the world and is seated with the Father as His right hand (1 Jn. 5:4-5; Eph. 1:20; Rms. 8:34; cf. Philip. 2:9-11). Likewise, we must do the same if we are to experience perpetual victory. And whatever doesn’t fall flat, we will leap over, triumph in victory because we are fortified in worship (Josh. 6:20; I Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 2:14; cf. Ps. 84:7).

You may say, where do I get these hinds’ feet? Simply, from the presence of the Lord - habitually waiting in His presence, worshipping the beauty of holiness. Do you need a major victory in your life? Your feet is the answer.

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