3 Main Reasons for our Existence as Believers - Part I
Main Course: For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren ((Rms. 8:29: cf. Jn. 15:16).
We were sent to ... #1 be conformed into the image of Christ #2 do His Will and #3 reproduce after our own kind.
Conformed to His image: We have certainly lost our way in living the life that Christ intended for us to live on the earth. Sadly, many of us, including myself have been way off base. Although born again, we still instinctively strive for things in this world because we have never been broken from its system, which is reinforced by our culture, values and social norms. Once born again, our lifestyle should become critically important in re-prioritizing our lives to reflect sacrificial living – the way Jesus lived. The new standard response to any pressure, pain, test or trial is to deny ourselves, seek first the kingdom of God, be about the Father’s business, be steadfast and un-movable (Matt. 16:24; 6:33; Luke 2:49; 1 Cor. 15:58). Unfortunately because of we lack this adjustment in our mindset and in our hearts, we very seldom reflect the Christ in us, the hope of glory. Our purpose is to be conformed into the image of His Son so we can do the works of Christ and exemplify the life of Jesus that was portrayed on earth. In this state of being we can draw people unto the Lord and bring glory to His name. The main crucial factor here is the role of the renewed mind that transforms us to be conformed into His image. For when the mind obeys the spirit within, then the inner changes can be expressed outwardly. The mind of Christ is the major conduit to this new life to obtain the prize of the high calling, which is to be just like Jesus (Philip. 3:14; Jn. 15:16). cont'd ...