Another Sign of the Times
Main Course: When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).
...And yet another sign: The LGBT(Q) community is not really a threat, they are just a sign of the times; but we need to understand the term in more ways than one. Their transition and increase of power is just a sign to us as believers that in the spirit we have already changed and gained power, our rightful place in the Kingdom of God taking effect on earth. The enemy always has an allergic reaction to purity (righteousness and glory) scheduled for release so he tries to jump ahead of the game - seek to murk up the waters, the atmosphere as much as possible hoping to block, detain or detour it. Regardless of how the situation looks, make no mistake, the gates of hell shall not prevail for those who are built on the solid rock Christ Jesus (Matt. 16:18). So be encouraged and look up for your redeemer draws nigh (Luke 21:28). Let us be about our Father’s business and stay focused (Luke 2:49) keeping our eyes on the prize of the high calling (Philip. 3:14) which is the perfection of Jesus Christ in every sense of the word. Are you looking at the world or at Jesus the author and finisher of your faith?