The Art of Waiting on God - Part VII
This process of conquering the soul is like climbing Mt. Everest, many don’t make the journey because we still have “too much skin the game.” Somewhere in our hearts and minds, we still have our own set agenda (things we cleave to, our own / old lifestyle) because it allows us to make concessions, accommodates us in a way that benefits us, and we bargain with our soul. We use excuses and concerns as a buffer against facing the real problem and issues in our lives, called avoidance. We shield, manipulate and defend our soul with passive-aggressive behavior. We pat it as long as it works in our favor, serving our own self-will, but the moment sacrifice is required, the flesh defies being crucified, our excuses and shenanigans (iniquities) flare up.
The Lord cannot help us if we hide things in our heart even though He sees all; we still have to take responsibility for our actions (Ps. 66:18; 51:10; 139:20). The journey to the top, conquering the soul is a feat not many acquire. Gideon’s army started out with 32k, and then dropped to 10k and then to 300. All of what the soul has sold us is a lie. Our life is now in Christ. This is truth - all that’s needed to win the battles of life.
Once the clutter of the soul has been removed, we might not have much left (Luke 10:42), but with whatever remains (Heb. 12:27) we can watch the Lord fight our battles. We can praise God; stand still and see the salvation, the power of God with us (2 Chron. 20:17). Can you conquer your soul? It’s required to live in Christ (Philip. 2:12).
The art of waiting on God is learning to harness your most valuable asset – time and then using it to train your soul to respond only to God’s command. Are you willing to put in the time? The result/reward is perfection in Christ on earth.