The Art of Waiting on God - Part V
The time that we set aside to seek the Lord until we come away with our answers, becomes easier because we start to learn and absorb the concept of kingdom living: “not my Will Lord, but thy Will be done” (Luke 22:42). Those who seek God consistently and fervently are on the enemy’s watch list because every time we enter into the presence of God, we become more like Him, little by little. We begin to trust Him a little more and this trust is our strength, power with God. The veil of hearts are torn away to see Jesus more clearly each time. The more the veils are removed the less resistance we experience, the more focused we become with each encounter with God. And so what used to take us months to receive an answer, now takes us weeks and what used to take weeks, now takes us days and what used to take us days, now takes us minutes and what used to take minutes, while we are yet speaking it’s on the way. (Is.65:24).
Unfortunately, the enemy succeeds in defeating us in this process to get there. The downfall happens when we become discouraged and despondent in remembering how long it took last time to receive an answer. God answers right away, His Word is true (cf. Dan. 10:11-12), but it a huge amount of time in order for us to RECEIVE it. But that’s okay, God is patient. He will wait on us and won’t change is mind (Jam. 1:17, 2 Pet. 3:9; Heb. 4:15). We have to be converted in our hearts and minds first to receive God’s answer for us because His ways are not like ours (Is. 55:8-9). cont'd ...