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The Art of Waiting on God - Part I

Main Course: Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord (Psalm 27:14).

Here is the solution for when waiting on God competes for our time. This scripture does not imply that God won't release an answer, but that waiting on Him will transform the condition of our hearts to receive what He has to say about our situation.

How to hear God: seek him --- see him --- hear him – obey him; therein lies our answer. When we seek him, we will find him (see him) and when we find him, we will hear Him (Is. 6:6; 1 Sam 3:7-10). Because the enemy of our souls wants to keep us in a place of defeat in life, he seeks to detour us from seeking God by any means necessary. He will capitalize on your weaknesses (nothing is beneath him) because that’s his currency, and how he buys time from us. But we must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves; shut the door (2 Kings 4:1-7, cf. Matt. 6:6), come away (Song. 2:10-11), cut off or create some distance for personal time, one-on-one with God (Gen. 32:22-23). It becomes critical at times to shut down our lives and wait on God; give up our TVs, games, internet, vacations, social affairs, sleep, eating – the comforts of life. Consequently, your focus and attention turns totally on Him, to see Him, to hear Him to listen for His Will on the matter. According to Matthew 6:33, as much as we seek after “all these other things” should be as much TIME as we seek the kingdom of God (His will and his way).

Our time is our currency on this earth, not money; spend it wisely. We will give an account not on the money we made but on the time spent …..

But if we have not spent much time learning to hear from God, we cannot respond properly. He gives us answers or solutions to our problems that generally requires faith. This type of faith is only acquired through spending time with God, renewing our mind and exercising our faith through obedience to His Word (rhema). cont'd...

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