How to open your spiritual ears - Part III
But we must learn to press in, dig our heels in the ground and look to the hills because that is where God is, where He lives, where He dwells and where He speaks (Ps. 91:1-2; Jn 15:1-5). You have a right to access this place, blood was shed for this open door (Rev 3:8). Don’t let it go to waste over a few disappointments, lies from the enemy that’s not worth the agony and pain you live through every day in search of God’s peace – His answer, this thoughts, His plan for your life - about any and everything at any given point and time (Philip. 4:6-7; Matt. 6:33).
This blood-bought right is our inheritance that was granted to us the moment we were born-again. We just have to put the time in (to seek God) and there’s no short cut. But His reward is the miracle of increase – our lives multiplied back to us the way He intended for us to be. We will catch up, make up for lost time (lost time = when we were in darkness – sin, ignorance or rebellion/err). This is the blessing we receive if we pursue him relentlessly. Elijah’s wind (catch up), Ezekiel’s wind (come together) the north and the south winds begin blow (1 Kin 19:46; Ezk. 37:9-10; cf. Song 4:16). cont'd...