At flood stage - Part II
Now in flood waters, some will walk and some will swim, but nevertheless we must move out in faith trusting in God. When the flood gates of heaven open, the waters will rise until everything in our lives that is not like God will have to go, leave, vacant the premises. And like some hold-outs, there are strong holds in our lives that refuse to go regardless of the rising water, but the water will continue to rise until they are overtaken and whatever struggle and issue we had will die in the flood. The flood of His Spirit will push us to trust, lean and depend on Him for God is our helper and He is our strength (Ps 23:1). Lord keep us at flood stage in our spirit, so that the earth will be full of your praise (Hab. 3:3). Let the rivers of life flow and crest moving us ever closer and closer to you until we cleave to you and you along, knowing that you are everything. Cause our rivers to swell and saturate the water table of our soul, increase our capacity to love you more and serve you until the end. Let us not be weak and faint, but to be strong and endure to the end (Gal. 6:9; Is. 40:30-31). Thank you for the signs of the times (we are about to reap a great harvest of souls and possess our inheritance as sons of God) and also for times of refreshing to bring about your purpose and Will in our lives and in the land (Acts 3:19). (cf. song: Mighty Wind by Andre Crouch).