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Beyond our control, but in charge of our hearts - Part IV

Our mistake is that THE WAY God takes us does not match our human mind or rationality of THE WAY WE THINK we should go (Is. 55:8-9; Rms. 8:7), and to remedy that problem He tells us to renew our mind daily so we won’t stubble and fall, or yield to temptation of not following through, come up short of receiving his best for our lives (Josh. 1:7-9; Joel 2:23-26; Is. 51:3 cf. 1 Sam. 15:9-11, 22).

Let's recap the requirements for total restoration: we must first learn how to rely, depend on and trust God, secondly renew our mind, thirdly, re-prioritize (get on holy ground - paradigm shift), and finally create a habit of obeying rhema (His Word to you) no matter how impossible it looks, or what failure or loss suffered. This is God, He is the exception to the rule. Do you really believe "I AM that I AM"? Your walk of faith and daily life is living proof.

Remember circumstances maybe beyond our control, but we are in charge of our hearts. Let's choose to trust God through any situation. Natural disasters, health disasters, emotional disasters, financials disasters can all be beyond our control, but we can still be in charge of our hearts by trusting in God every step of the way.

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